Friday, July 31, 2009

Arti Biru

biru itu di langit tinggi,
bersinar indah dengan matahari.
awan putih tipis-tipis memantulkan cahaya,
seperti inersia diri dari langit.

burung-burung camar terbang,
nyaman dalam kehangatan ilahi.
tanpa beban dan hanya rasa,
tanpa ilmu dan hanya diri.

pohon-pohon kelapa menjulang,
tinggi resah tertiup angin.
daunnya bagai jari-jari,
melambai-lambai ke seluruh ciptaan.

laut luas biru terhampar,
menghilang di kaki langit.
lurus garis tanpa cela, tanpa patah,
di pengalaman di laut luas.

arti biru tanpa makna,
berlumur hati di laut lepas.
mengisi ruang tanpa dosa,
membuang asa dan dusta.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Raindrops In Heaven

why does it
when it rains
I feel so serene?

as if nothing
could stand my way
in being

teardrops from heaven
glistening in lamplight
falling upon the joyous shrubs
and greens

the messenger of life
the adventurer of spirit
and a westerner
to the easterner.

and there goes the thunder
with its heavenly screams
and its bright light
tearing the skies.

there goes the flash of light
as hot as a thousand suns
as bright as the day
and as feared as life itself.

why does it
that when the rain stops
it felt so strange?

the messenger
had completed its journey
and scorned
shall be the light.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Bekas puntung rokok berkumpul di asbak kerang kecil itu. Seorang anak remaja laki-laki, kira-kira umurnya 16 tahunan, duduk di teras rumahnya, kakinya bertengger pada meja teras yang rendah itu. Matanya nanar karena mengantuk. Tetap saja ia terus menerus memperhatikan sebuah spot tidak bermakna di halaman.

Dia sedang merenungkan filosofi. Pemikirannya kini telah dalam untuk manusia seumurnya - atau paling tidak itu yang teman-temannya katakan. Dia tidak terlalu perduli, yang penting ia bisa terus berpikir dan mencari makna kehidupan. Dari pengalaman ia belajar bahwa jika pemikirannya telah menyerempet agama dan Tuhan, ia harus stop dengan segera, karena dua topik itu kini tabu untuknya.

Deru sebuah mesin mobil menghentikan renungan khusyuknya. Ternyata tetangganya yang baru pulang, dan mereka langsung menyapa anak itu dengan gembira.

Sang remaja itu, yang telah terganggu pikirannya, hanya mengangguk. Ia memang dikenal kalem dan pendiam. Tidak bicara banyak dan seperlunya saja. Malah ada yang bilang pelit.

Tetangganya sudah masuk kembali ke rumah mereka, dan kini diam berhembus kembali di malam yang gelap itu.

Sayup-sayup terdengar suara sesuatu, seperti orang di tengah-tengah perlombaan bulan Agustus. Namun ia tidak peduli. Ia terus berpikir, berpikir, dan berpikir, apa gunanya eksistensi manusia di dunia ini.

Don't Feel Like Writing

It's called the writer's block.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Series of Quotes About Love

"Love demands all, and has a right to all." - Francis Bacon

"If everything is imperfect in this imperfect world, love is most perfect in its perfect imperfection." - Gunnar Björnstrand

"Love Bites"
- Def Leppard

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." - Albert Einstein

"A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave." - Mohandas Gandhi

"To die for lack of love is horrible. The asphyxia of the soul."
- Victor Hugo

Friday, July 17, 2009

Saga Of The Dead

Solemn prayers for those who think
Requiems to those who die upon a bastard act

Do not live in disharmony
Live in harmony

Do not die in disharmony
Die in harmony

Rest in peace
My brothers

And tears shall not fall
Because patriotism
Is just another cause
Not for it
To fall.

A Crack In The Morning

Stupid And Stupider

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Have you ever heard of scams? Those e-mails which comes into your in-box telling you that you have received the rights to some huge money without ever having to work? Or those e-mails, which seem to be legit but after you take a closer look, it turns out to be fake?

Well, that's a scam. I was thinking about scams lately, when I found this site, 419eater. You may as well want to remember the Nigerian 419 scam that happened to spread through Facebook and e-mail. It happened to be where the site got its name. (For more on the Nigerian 419, click this link.)

Please note that I present no offense to Nigerians or to be racist in any kind. Scammers come from any country, whether it be the US, UK, Germany, French, or any other country. Yet, the domination comes from West Africa, about 50% - 55%. You can find this fact in 419eater.

Scammers are bad enough, because they try to lure you into believing that they are legit and therefore will continue into their business deal. Sadly, it is not. Well, take it from the logical side. How much are the odds of having a Nigerian to send $9M into your bank account without you having to do nothing?

Scambaiting is a technique to lay a false sense of security into those scammers by pretending to be lured to be one of their victims. This practice is used to get those scammers attention and to waste their time, money, and attention so that they don't scam anyone else in the process. So, when scamming is the bad thing, scambaiting is the good thing. It's like fishing for a fisher.

I have been reading some stories from those scambaiters lately. Some popular ones such as Shiver and Fake - they never present real names for security - posted their experiences in the 419eaters Letters Archive. For God, some of them are truly, and excitingly, amusing to read. I could spend hours and hours seeing those criminals get wasted.

Obviously, scambaiting is a very dangerous practice. Only those cunning enough and smart enough could rogue a scammer. Therefore I do not advise you into going to it yourself. If you don't want to go through all the mess - Shiver had to find an alternative international number for himself - don't do it.

You might be wondering what's with the wooden keyboard above. Well, get yourself into the letters archive and try to find that story for yourself :)

Dead Parrot sketch - Scammer style! from on Vimeo.


All the storms are coming to me, all the deadly bodies are wrenching upon my guts and attacking me.
Yet I rest, through it all, I rest in dignity and peace.

Will anybody ever see my dead body?
Will anybody ever scramble upon my dead corpse?
Will anybody ever pulse upon my terrified being?

The storm rages on.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Die, Greedy Fools!

Words Don't Mean Anything To Me

Blue Skies

Looking at the blue skies, it was... surreal. Authentic.

The sun peeked out from the clouds, shining its glory onto the cursed Earth below it. Or next to it? This is also an existentialist's question. When we see the sun as it is from above Earth, we see the Sun as above us - when we are floating in outer space, however, we see it as next to Earth. :) Imagine a universe full of possibilities, and that one universe is ours.

Welcome to the universe.

In the deep blackness of the universe, anything is possible.

Look at it through the bottom of a glass. Everything will be biased. But if you see it clearly, without the bottom of the glass, everything will be clear. We were put here for a reason. For something great. And that greatness is for you to accomplish.

Not anybody else, not him, not her, but you. You and only you to accomplish.

Is it possible to make water boil in less than 3 minutes? Yes, it is. On the peak of Mt. Everest, the concept is actually plausible. There is nothing such as impossibility.

Is it possible to make water boil in less than 3 minutes, but without reaching the peak of Mt. Everest? Yes, it is. Just pressurize the same conditions and there you have it. Again, there is no such thing as impossibility.

Word can put here I the? Yes, I can. :)

Do something good in your life, do good to other people, then you will actually have something good to accomplish yourself.

"Most people are bad; if they are strong they take from the weak. The good people are all weak; they are good because they are not strong enough to be bad." - Commoro, a chief in northern Uganda, speaking to explorer Samuel Baker in 1864.

"Every person has the choice between Good and Evil. Choose Good, and stand against those who would choose Evil." - Friedrich Kellner

"A good man is kinder to his enemy than bad men are to their friends." - Bishop Hall

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Facebook Addicts

Facebook sudah merambah ke kehidupan kita masing-masing. Sekarang kita semua dapat disebut sebagai Facebook Addicts, alias terhanyut oleh Facebook. Situs social networking ini memang adiktif, mulai dari anak-anak yang sebenarnya belum cukup umur untuk memiliki account di Facebook, hingga kakek-kakek tua yang terlalu tua untuk generasi di bawahnya.

Sebenarnya apa yang membuat Facebook itu menjadi sangat adiktif? Intinya bukan di situsnya itu sendiri, tapi siapa yang mengisi kontennya. Ya, yang mengisi kontennya bukanlah Facebook, tetapi jaringan teman kita. Karena itu, kita jadi tertarik untuk melihat apa yang mereka miliki dan apa yang mereka katakan - what they have in store. Ini juga menjelaskan terhadap fenomena berbagai macam situs social networking lainnya.

Facebook juga bisa disamakan dengan narsisme. Ketika seseorang mengupdate statusnya di Facebook, ia melakukan itu untuk mendapatkan setidaknya pengakuan - agar orang lain tahu. Sebenarnya, apakah orang lain harus tahu kita sedang berada di mana atau sedang melakukan apa? Apakah penting informasi terhadap kehidupan pribadi kita?

Pengakuan ini juga dikuatkan lagi dengan Facebook menambahkan fungsi berkomentar di hampir seluruh story atau cerita yang dimasukkan oleh sang empunya account itu sendiri. Hingga akhirnya, teman-temannya melihat, dan akan berkomentar, dan menciptakan sebuah circle of talk yang baru. Semua orang suka mengobrol, dan ya, hal ini juga menjadikan Facebook begitu adiktif.

Sayangnya, sebuah fitur yang menarik dan baik ini kurang dijaga dengan keamanan yang baik. Situs Facebook telah berkali-kali terkena serangan virus (ingat Koobface?) dan scam seperti 419 Nigeria. Data-data pribadi Anda pun sebenarnya terancam, karena hingga saat ini telah ada software yang dapat digunakan untuk menarik data pribadi dari Facebook. Mungkin Anda berfikir, apa juga yang mereka ingin lakukan terhadap account Anda? Well, jangan salah. Pikirkan skema-nya. Data pribadi Anda bisa digunakan untuk menebak password Anda di situs lain. Situs lain apa? Paypal, sebagai contoh.

Karena itu, jagalah data Anda dengan baik, jangan sampai terekam oleh para hacker.

Dengan adanya Facebook, hidup kita pun menjadi lebih nyaman, tenteram karena kita bisa berkomunikasi dengan teman-teman kita, bahkan yang jauh entah dimana. Banyak generasi yang sudah amat terlena dengan fitur abad 21 ini. Apakah Anda salah satunya?

The Summer Switch

These are green fields, with sprawling greens, high trees, watery lakes, blue skies, brown paths...
And no one could live forever, even in this age of seeming eternity.
I shall live my destiny through it all.

These are snowy fields, with white ice, dead trees, frozen lakes, white skies, and no clear way to get across...
And no one could die forever, even in this age of seeming eternity.
I shall live my destiny through it all.

These are orange fields, with festive yellows, dying trees, overflowing lakes, blue skies, and a large path...
And no one could bathe in poverty forever.
I shall live my destiny through it all.

These are greenish fields, with greens all over, bushing trees, flooding lakes, grey skies, and a watery path...
And no one could forever shower in richness.
I shall live my destiny through it all.

And when a year passed through,
All life shall begin,
Death shall succumb,
And eternity shall last, now for ever.

How much hours of sleep do you get at night?

Friends and Their Stories