Sunday, August 2, 2009


The mean average of the human height is only 167 cm (0,1 m/0,001 km/1 x 10^-2 km).

The normal size for a house is about 5-6 meters tall (0,005 km).

The tallest building in the world, The Burj Dubai, is 818 m (0,8 km).

The exosphere is at 600 km.

The geostationary orbit (the needed height for a man-made satellite to keep up with the rotation of the Earth) is on approx. 35,786 km high above sea-level, according to the Clarke Orbit.

The moon is at 405,169 km from Earth.

The nearest star from Earth, the Sun, is at 1 AU (1.518 x 10^8 km - in easier terms = 151,800,000,000 km).

Uranus, the current outermost planet of the whole solar system, is at 19.4 AU or 2.902 x 10^9 km).

The distance from Earth to the nearest star - other than the Sun - Proxima Centauri, is at 4.218 light years, or, in easier mathematical terms, at 3.991 x 10^13 km. Or if you still can't grasp this, it is 39,910,000,000,000,000 km from Earth.

The faintest star that can be observed through the Hubble Space Telescope is at NGC 6397, which is near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, is at 7.2 kilo-light-years (7.200 light years - 2.2075300354 kpc (kiloparsecs) - 6.812x10^16 km (kilometers)) from Earth. The light is so faint that it is the equivalent of the light emitted by a birthday candle on Moon, as seen by an average-sized man on Earth.

The Virgo Galaxy Cluster, the farthest Galaxy Cluster where the current farthest stars are present, is at a distance of approximately 59 ± 4 million-light-years (18.0 ± 1.2 Mpc - 5.582 x 10^20 kilometers - 5.582 x 10^23 meters) away in the constellation Virgo.

When I wrote this, I could not stand how incredibly and - I am looking for words - stupidly small we are. Now at this point, for some of you human weaklings who still have some arrogance left in your dire minds, please compare the data below.

558,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 meters with 0,1 meter.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Arti Biru

biru itu di langit tinggi,
bersinar indah dengan matahari.
awan putih tipis-tipis memantulkan cahaya,
seperti inersia diri dari langit.

burung-burung camar terbang,
nyaman dalam kehangatan ilahi.
tanpa beban dan hanya rasa,
tanpa ilmu dan hanya diri.

pohon-pohon kelapa menjulang,
tinggi resah tertiup angin.
daunnya bagai jari-jari,
melambai-lambai ke seluruh ciptaan.

laut luas biru terhampar,
menghilang di kaki langit.
lurus garis tanpa cela, tanpa patah,
di pengalaman di laut luas.

arti biru tanpa makna,
berlumur hati di laut lepas.
mengisi ruang tanpa dosa,
membuang asa dan dusta.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Raindrops In Heaven

why does it
when it rains
I feel so serene?

as if nothing
could stand my way
in being

teardrops from heaven
glistening in lamplight
falling upon the joyous shrubs
and greens

the messenger of life
the adventurer of spirit
and a westerner
to the easterner.

and there goes the thunder
with its heavenly screams
and its bright light
tearing the skies.

there goes the flash of light
as hot as a thousand suns
as bright as the day
and as feared as life itself.

why does it
that when the rain stops
it felt so strange?

the messenger
had completed its journey
and scorned
shall be the light.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Bekas puntung rokok berkumpul di asbak kerang kecil itu. Seorang anak remaja laki-laki, kira-kira umurnya 16 tahunan, duduk di teras rumahnya, kakinya bertengger pada meja teras yang rendah itu. Matanya nanar karena mengantuk. Tetap saja ia terus menerus memperhatikan sebuah spot tidak bermakna di halaman.

Dia sedang merenungkan filosofi. Pemikirannya kini telah dalam untuk manusia seumurnya - atau paling tidak itu yang teman-temannya katakan. Dia tidak terlalu perduli, yang penting ia bisa terus berpikir dan mencari makna kehidupan. Dari pengalaman ia belajar bahwa jika pemikirannya telah menyerempet agama dan Tuhan, ia harus stop dengan segera, karena dua topik itu kini tabu untuknya.

Deru sebuah mesin mobil menghentikan renungan khusyuknya. Ternyata tetangganya yang baru pulang, dan mereka langsung menyapa anak itu dengan gembira.

Sang remaja itu, yang telah terganggu pikirannya, hanya mengangguk. Ia memang dikenal kalem dan pendiam. Tidak bicara banyak dan seperlunya saja. Malah ada yang bilang pelit.

Tetangganya sudah masuk kembali ke rumah mereka, dan kini diam berhembus kembali di malam yang gelap itu.

Sayup-sayup terdengar suara sesuatu, seperti orang di tengah-tengah perlombaan bulan Agustus. Namun ia tidak peduli. Ia terus berpikir, berpikir, dan berpikir, apa gunanya eksistensi manusia di dunia ini.

Don't Feel Like Writing

It's called the writer's block.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Series of Quotes About Love

"Love demands all, and has a right to all." - Francis Bacon

"If everything is imperfect in this imperfect world, love is most perfect in its perfect imperfection." - Gunnar Björnstrand

"Love Bites"
- Def Leppard

"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." - Albert Einstein

"A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave." - Mohandas Gandhi

"To die for lack of love is horrible. The asphyxia of the soul."
- Victor Hugo

Friday, July 17, 2009

Saga Of The Dead

Solemn prayers for those who think
Requiems to those who die upon a bastard act

Do not live in disharmony
Live in harmony

Do not die in disharmony
Die in harmony

Rest in peace
My brothers

And tears shall not fall
Because patriotism
Is just another cause
Not for it
To fall.

How much hours of sleep do you get at night?

Friends and Their Stories